• re: Lavirint

    Maja, I find this drawing to be really impressive. How much time did it take you to complete?

    Also, what do the written words within the circular maze mean? I find the integration between art and writing to be really interesting, and I think you have done a beautiful job here!
    • Thank you Jacob. It took me 2, 3 days of constant drawing. It's a poem in my native language, Serbian, and refers to people from the past and from the present, the people who were or are still among us. It reminded me on a maze.   Poem review in Serbian:

      постоје реке
      и постоје сећања на реке

      прве теку
      друге су текле

      готово да су исте
      сунце је најкрупнија риба
      и у једној и у другој

      постоје људи
      постоје сећања на неке људе

      први су ту
      други су били ту

      готово да им истоветно