• re: untitled


    Hi, I am sorry for my late response. Yeah, shure I agree 🙂 Oh, thank you very much for your comment 🙂 It is very nice to hear that 🙂


    Your understanding of »Interactions« is great, understanding of this title is meant to be left to the spectator, whatever comes to their mind. Well, for me, these prints are also connected to my Masters degree, and the title was »Interacion between color and drawing in art space«. I also compared the same plate in different colors, and their interaction. Every color has its own phisical and psycological influences on us, also the shape of the form... I hope that I answered you 🙂


    • Alja, thank you for your response. That does help answer my question. I appreciate that even when you do give a title, it is so open. For example, the word “interaction” in your title doesn’t specify what the viewer should interpret the “interaction between color and drawing” as. However, it guides the viewer to a focus in order to have their own experience with the piece. What is the larger theme of your Master’s degree? I’d love to know more about it.